Global businesses working locally
When it comes to choosing your banking network, there’s no better choice than IBOS. We offer a range of benefits both for banks looking to improve their offering both in-country, and internationally.
Working with corporate banks across the globe, at IBOS we are open at all hours. Our sweeping geographic presence, combined with our strong reputation, makes us a desirable alliance for a number of leading banks from all corners of the world.

KBC Bank NV / CBC Bank
BrazilBanco Santander (Brasil) SA
BulgariaUnited Bulgarian Bank AD
CanadaRoyal Bank of Canada
ChileSantander Chile
ColombiaBanco Santander (Colombia)
CroatiaPrivredna Banka Zagreb P.L.C.
Czech RepublicCeskoslovenska obchodni banka, a. s
FranceCIC (member of Credit Mutuel - Alliance Federale)
FranceKBC Bank NV France
GermanyIntesa Sanpaolo - Frankfurt
GermanySantander Consumer Bank AG
HungaryK&H Bank
IrelandBank of Ireland
ItalyIntesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
MexicoSantander Mexico
PeruBanco Santander (Peru)
PolandSantander Bank Polska S.A.
PortugalBanco Santander Totta SA
RomaniaIntesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania
SlovakiaCSOB Slovakia
SloveniaIntesa Sanpaolo Bank Slovenia
SpainBanco Santander (Spain)
United KingdomNatWest
United KingdomRoyal Bank of Scotland
United KingdomSantander UK plc
United StatesSantander Bank, N.A.
The IBOS web portal
Through our online portal, IBOS members can access everything they need from a centralised dashboard. From easily looking up IBOS banks by country or group to accessing detailed information about each member, our member platform makes international collaboration easier.